Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear CCT, I miss you.

Today, not so good a day.  I got up, got ready, and my happy butt was all in gear to get on the bus!  I'm supposed to be relieved from the shelter at 7am, but at 7:10, no one was there.  I called Anna, who said she was in Macon, and that Lillian was supposed to be in.  A few minutes later, Lillian called saying she was on her way. 

In order to make my epic commute, I have to leave the shelter no later than 7:15, to catch the 7:30 train, or I don't catch my beloved 8:05 10b.  And I was so looking forward to that bus ride, because I desperately needed a nap.  I had stayed up late gossiping with the Accidental Commuter about such awesome things like ponies and how she's buying me one, so my plan had been to catch up on my beauty rest on the bus.

7:15 came, no Lillian. 

7:30, no Lillian.

8:00, still no Lillian.

She called me at some point to tell me that she was stuck in traffic, and she finally arrived at 8:15.  There was no way I was going to make it to work in any reasonable time save for driving.  So rather than being cozy and napping on the bus, I was stuck in hell on the Perimeter.  To beat it all, I could have slept in had I known my butt would be driving! 

Is it bad that I look so forward to the bus now?
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