Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bullet necklace, part Two.

So this bullet necklace has been a transit nightmare, or piece of quality entertainment, one.  The first week I had it, Two and I were on the train riding back from the Sierra Club office (where all gangstas hang out).  Well the chain broke and the bullet went rolling across the floor of the train.  Two, the gentleman that he is, immediately started chasing it for me, not realizing what eactly he was chasing.  A bullet.  Across a MARTA train.  Some nice man stopped it with his foot, and Two retrieved it for me.  He was not too pleased with me.  What can I say?  It's how us gangsta roll. 


  1. He's lucky. It very easily could have been a "know your flow" carrying case.

  2. As long as you don't start packing a weapon it can be loaded in you should be fine.

  3. J - I don't tend to loose those on MARTA. And Nick, I live in GA, it's legal to carry on the train ;)
