Wednesday, October 21, 2009

CfPT Happy Hour

Tonight the Citizens for Progressive Transit are having a happy hour with special guest Erik Steavens of the Georgia Department of Transportation.  I plan on being there, and blogging about it, but I'm so concerned over HOW to get there!

My dilemma is that I'm at the shelter tonight, and I have to make cupcakes tonight for the Sierra Club open house tomorrow night.  And in order to make cupcakes, I have to go to the grocery store.  Which is NO WHERE near the shelter.  Or transit out that way.  And I have to take my baking stuff and fancy smancy cupcake carrier out the the shelter in order to make said cupcakes.  AND I totally do not see myself lugging four dozen cupcakes on that two hour commute around town in the morning, and then again in the afternoon back down to the office.  On top of the pumpkins, apple cider, and crock pot.  So I NEED my car.  Now what to do?

I could leave my car at the mall, take the bus downtown, and then come back up and get it, but that's a lot of time spent that could be used on cupcakage, which, being that it's for the Sierra Club, is essentially carbon-neutral, right?

But I can't show up to a CfPT happy hour in my car!  Grr!
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