Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guest Bloggers

I've decided to have some guest bloggers to regale you with tales of thier mass transit misadventures.  But these aren't any ol' normal riders, there are the following most awesome people:

The Accidental Commuter - is my heterosexual life partner and has recently been inducted to the transit world now that she has started grad school downtown.  The AC is a suburban dweller who takes the train to class so she spends way more time on it than I.  She is also by far the funniest girl I know, so I'm looking forward to her snarky comments!

E - is kinda like my other half.  She recently, following some crazy tire issues, decided to hit the bus and train.  Like me, she also fell in love with the awesomeness that the bus is.  However, E rides it in town more, while I'm out in the burbs.She's also hilarious and new to the bus world as well as being overly enthusiastic, so this should be fun.

Two - Two is, well Two.  But Two lives in town and is car free, which is a way bigger step than I am prepared to take, though he tells me that my commute is more hardcore than he could do.  But Two also has a little more insight into the world of transit, so look out for his informative posts!
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