Wednesday, April 28, 2010

MIA in the ATL

Did you miss me on my week hiatus? (or a little longer, something like that, sorry)

So it has been crazy busy and I have a lot to catch up on. A transit funding bill was passed (trust me, I'll get to this one), I went Amtrak camping, we had another photo shoot, I went to San Francisco, and I joined the ranks of the (semi)unemployed. I'm still at the shelter, but don't have a day job in Cobb County. I'm excited for the time to catch up on my blog and find that kickass job I've been dreaming of (hint, hint, MARTA) but I'm distressed because I no longer have a reason to ride CCT. Should I to change my name to MARTAgirl now?

Let's talk transit funding. This is a topic near and dear to my heart, I love MARTA, I need it to run, what else would I blog about? A bill got passed a Thursday ago, on the 38th day of session. Basically, this bill:

a - creates TSPLOSTs to be voted on in 2012 that would be in effect for 10 years
b - relieves the MARTA 50/50 restriction for three years
c - says new money voted for in the TSPLOSTs can not be used for MARTA salaries
d - says allows Clayton County to vote for a sales tax to fund transit
e - seriously maims the MARTA board

I'm probably missing something, but these are the points I want to talk on.

I'm disappointed.

I'll go with Dubose Porter on this one, this is barely a bandaid. I mean, good job Georgia for getting off your ass and doing something, boo for not doing anything terribly useful. We wouldn't see money from the TSPLOSTs at best until 2013, more like 2014 if it passes. And then it's only good for 10 years, which is about 10 years shy of the 20 year minimum to get and federal funds. So, FAIL.

Relieving the 50/50 restriction is nice, but three years? Really? You still can't trust them with their own money? And we all know that the relief isn't enough, because they've been burning through their capital reserves for necessary things, like the new FTA requirements in response to the accidents last year in DC. So, FAIL.

Can't use new funds on salaries? Because having people to drive the bus and operate the trains isn't really that important, right? And neither are the cops and station agents. FAIL.

Clayton County can vote to join MARTA. We just have to convince them this is something they want to do, and since their buses were absorbed by GRTA and sold due to federal regulations on the funds used to purchase those buses, they outta, it's their only chance at transit right now. This would also mean an influx on money for MARTA, so for once, WIN.

Slashing the MARTA board. MARTA and the board didn't show up during the final hours of negotiating the bill, so this would seem like a big old slap in the face. Mayor Reed even sent a cop car, lights and all, to pick MARTA CEO Dr. Scott up at MARTA headquarters, but, due to board instructions, she still didn't go. Maybe if she had, the bill would have been more favorable for MARTA. The MARTA board is full of older civil rights leaders who drive to the board meetings, so I'm not too sorry to some of them go. We need riders on that board, people who are more invested in MARTA, so I'm gonna call this a win. Now I need to campaign to get on the board. I hear there's a small stipend. Heck, I'd do it for an unlimited ride pass.

Three epic fails plus one ray of hope and a minor win equals

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