Monday, January 25, 2010


It always seems like Monday mornings are the most adventurous times on transit, at least for me.  My day started off great.  I woke up, got everything squared away at the shelter, turned in my two weeks worth of time sheets, made coffee and was out the door, looking cute I might add!  I even made it out the door with enough time to stop and get some french toast sticks at Burger King, my newest obsession.

Got to Kensington and made it on my regular, 7:30 train, which put me to Five Points for my usual train north.  Got to Arts Center, and there was no 10b.  In fact, there was an out of service CCT coach just hanging out in it's usual spot.  The 10b showed up at 8:10, and of course, our usual driver, Denise, wasn't there.  Denise is punctual.

So we loaded on the bus, some woman got my preferred front seat, darn her!  So I made my way to the back for a nap.  But some Cathy Chatterbox chicks had to go at it the whole ride.  I swear, one of them said "like" four times in two minutes.  Don't they know this is a bus for sleepers?  Maybe they just seemed so loud cause everyone really does sleep.

Anyways, made it up to Cobb County, I woke up somewhere on the back end of the 75 circle, and anxiously awaited my bus stop.  However, it never came.

Remember how I said replacement driver.  Well, she went straight at Powers Ferry, rather than turn.  She missed my building.  So I told her I'd just get off and walk the rest of the way, since she couldn't turn around.  I tell you what, it is never fun to walk up a Mount Everest sized hill when you just woke up.
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