Monday, November 9, 2009

Atlanta Magazine Survey

Atlanta has it's own magazine (I know, I was impressed, too) and both One and Two subscribe.  Between their respective places, I may actually read the whole thing.  This month is the the Singles issue - everything you need to know about being single in the Hotlanta.  As a side note, it says one great place to meet people is through Hands On Atlanta - this is what the Accidental Commuter and I have been saying forever!  Barring that you're of the male persuasion, because the ratio at HoA tends to be very estrogen-heavy.  But it is how the AC and I met, and now we're tight hetero-life partners and I simply can not live without her.

Following that awesome gush-fest, you may be asking yourself how this is transit related.  Well, my friends, the fine folks at the Atlanta magazine had themselves a little survey, and one great question was:

If someone asked you out at one of the following places, would you accept?
MARTA train: 43%
MARTA bus stop: 18%

So I ask you, would you accept a date offer at one of the two places?  I would imagine that the AC and I would give a completely different response than One or Two would.  To me, it would be highly unlikely.  In a hypothetical world were I didn't know them, I might even be forced to turn down One or Two if they asked me out on the train, but especially at the bus stop (sorry, fellas) cause that's just a little creepy.  I guess it is better than being approached at the MJQ Meat Market, but really.  I don't think a bus stop is any sort of place to pick up dates.  Maybe I would feel differently if some high caliber of dude actually asked, like the hot MARTA dad or One & Two, but the guys that do, ew, no.


  1. I got asked out on the subway in the center of New York. Of course I was married, which didn't bother her apparently. But if I were single I would have gone with it. In hindsight though, the fact that she approached and then asked out a person in dress clothes carrying a Springfield XD-45 handgun might have been a revealing look at her sanity?


    Minute 4:45. Dating in Atlanta has been rough for quite some time now.

  3. It's always been rough for the girls, hasn't it?

  4. I'm confused. Was the gun visible?
