Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bad Spelling Scavenger Hunt

I have an idea. I just posted something on our Facebook fan page (be a joiner!) about really wanting someone to take a picture of the sign that reads "Georgian Terrance Hotel" at the North Avenue MARTA station. I can't do math, I was born without a sense of direction and I don't do technology very well. But I can spell and that sign cracks me up. How many people do you think saw that thing before they hung it up at the station? You know those stupid emails that get passed around that say something about you can recnogzie tihs wrod bacuese it has all of the same letters as the intended word and because the first and last letters are in the correct place your brain automatically decodes it? The premise is that we don't actually pay attention to every letter of the words that we read everyday. That's a load of crap. If it were true then we wouldn't be able to recognize misspellings. We process every letter of every word that we read, we just do it at such an incredibly fast rate (milliseconds) that we don't know we're doing it. Anyway, I would love for someone to get that picture and post it on here (can they do that CCT Girl? This world of blogging and camera phones and the interwebs is still so strange and confusing to me). I would try to do it myself since I have my new kick-ass phone that can take pictures and do my taxes and fold my laundry but that would involve getting off of the train at North Avenue, making sure that I am on the correct side of the tracks (which I can promise you would totally not happen), taking said picture, and figuring out how to transfer it from my phone to my Mac to this blog. The probability of me being able to handle just one or two out of these four steps is highly unlikely, much less being able to carry them ALL out successfully. There are probably actually more than four steps but I just didn't count them up right.

I know that the subject line of this includes the term "scavenger hunt" like there is a prize or something. This should be intrinsically rewarding. Or we could promise to really like you. Personally, I already like you for reading our blog and for taking an interest in saving the world through public transportation. So in my book, you're already a winner. I just need you to take a picture for me.
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