Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekly Transit Photos

Pretend this was posted Friday, on the normal photo op day for me, will ya?  I appreciate it!

Dum dum dum - time for your weekly photos!  What crazy crap did I see this week?  For starters, I have seen some questionably dressed women and a gentleman who apparently couldn't hold it on the train any longer.  Someone should tell him the stations have restrooms, and they're actually pretty clean (go MARTA!). But I have decided that I'm not mean, so I'm not taking pictures of people to poke fun of.  Only crazies.  Or crazy signage, like today's images:

See, this is how the warnings on MARTA trains used to look.  Small, concise, don't smoke, or play your radio, or talk to the operator, or bring an uncaged, non-seeing eye dog pet on MARTA.  And no train hopping.  However, they've gone to sticking big ole sticker up there:
So leave your guns at home, plus all your food, and don't attack a MARTA employee.  I guess you can assault other passengers all you want.  PS - RADIOS ARE STILL UNLAWFUL.  Buy some headphones.

C-TRAN is probably dead because the County Commission doesn't want to save it.  They were given options, they didn't care.  They suck.  But service stops on March 31st, and I feel bad for the people who depend on C-TRAN.  Foreshadowing of MARTA's future?  Maybe....
A few posts ago I talked about the Number Two, and how along its route is the last remaining street car shelter.  The other day I was on the two and attempted to take a picture of said shelter.  This is a hard task from a moving bus.  However, if you look to the far right, you can see the wooden shelter.  This summer, when those bushes are blooming, I will take a real photo.  Hopefully before the route disappears.

This morning I commuted with this fellow, who had a poptart for breakfast.  Spotted on the North bound platform.
He is not shy, but people scurried from him like he would attack.  On the other hand, if you look closely, you will see that his little feet are badly mangled so that he's basically walking on the tops of his claws.  There were also a lot of feather lying around, so this little commuter is not doing well.  If you see him, trap him, stick him in a box, and call/message me or call Michael at
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