Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Someone who shall remain nameless said I need to be writing about CCT more, since that is my namesake.  When I started this blog I lived in Cobb County, along Cobb Parkway, and rode the CCT more.  Part of the name and the initial purpose of this blog came from all the blunders I was experiencing on CCT, like missing the bus because it was early, loosing money in the Breeze machine, learning the hard way that it doesn't run on Sundays, and craziness in general.

Since then I have moved ITP, to East Point to be exact.  However, my job is still in Cobb County, so I'm still getting on that CCT express bus *hopefully* in the mornings and evenings.  And while I still love my bus and the folks on it, the blog has taken on much more of a MARTA slant.  Frankly, I'm on MARTA more now.  And also the new bus driver on the 10b in the mornings is awesome.  I need to get his name and write CCT about how cool he is.  After I had to call him out that one time for not going to my office because, "No one there rides this bus," he and I get along well now.  And if I catch him on the evenings on the 50, I'm happy to see him.  He is by far one of the most efficient drivers I've met, but I'm not sure I like the fact that he gets me to the office ten minutes early.  That's loss of sleep for me.  But I'm not getting any good CCT stories because my commutes have been nothing if not perfectly smooth.  And right now, I feel like MARTA needs me more to raise awareness of it's funding issues.

We'll have to see what happens to CCT when Sam Olens leaves to pursue his race for Attorney General.  I kinda hate to see him leave Cobb County, because frankly, he's been damn good at his job of County Commissioner, and from what I've heard, I'm not too sure how his chances of winning this election are.  It seems like he has some good competition.  So if CCTgirl seems a little MARTAgirl, I'm sorry, CCT is just kicking my butt.  I can't poke fun at a system that runs beautifully (at least when I'm on it), and, as far as I can tell, doesn't seem to have a mission against pigeons.
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