Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MARTA Facebook Fan Page

Did you know that MARTA has a Facebook Fan Page?  You should find her, and be her fan (yes, MARTA is a girl.  My declaration makes it so.)

I have this extreme urge to comment on everything people post on there, like this dude who doesn't understand why MARTA doesn't run 24 hours and why are there problems if MARTA gets revenue from ads "and other things."  I feel this compulsion to explain to him that transit isn't paid for at the fare box or with those ads and that no system is self-sufficient and in order for it to go 24 hours it needs funding from the state, like every other major system out there.  And that while they try very hard, it just isn't possible.

And I want to post my suspicions that they found that tourist attraction article on Examiner.com after reading my post from this morning.

And I want to find that idiot who asked if MARTA was going to give out letters to riders for being late to work on Ride MARTA day and smack him.  Hard.  Five times.  With a baseball bat.

But I feel like I should refrain myself so people don't think I'm that crazy MARTA girl (yes, we all know I am, but if you're reading this nonsense, then obviously you've accepted it).  Also, I feel like if I comment on everything, I loose credibility.  And thirdly, it's the very nice people at MARTA's job to respond, not mine.  And I'd hate to offend them, because I love them so.

And I *may* just have a really high affinity for MARTA, too.
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