Friday, March 26, 2010


I've been on my deathbed for a week, sorry for not posting.  (Thanks AC for keeping up some!)  I had the most wicked flu/ bronchitis I've ever had, I'd say it was worse than the time I had pneumonia (but that was like 15 years ago, so I'm not really a good judge), and I totally blame MARTA for this brush with death.  Apparently MARTA has been passing around a particularly nasty virus and I caught it.  We're not going into how, just know that I know people who know people and those people like trains.  And they have a really fun nickname.

But the death flu isn't the only thing that MARTA has given me recently.  Apparently he-who-shall-not-be-named-carrier-of-diseases has passed around this here blog a time or two to MARTA.  And it caught on.  And some folks in Marketing really liked it.  And they invited me to come to Headquarters to hang out.  And they gave me cool things that my own personal grim reaper is a little disgruntled over, like an awesome photo of an old bus and tokens.  What can I say?  MARTA likes me more.  :) 

But the MARTA folks were so nice and really excited about meeting little ole me; I felt like a celebrity.  I'm not going to lie, though, it still cracks me up that the post they remember the most is The Boob Tap.  I'm really excited to have met everyone, but they also made me a deal I couldn't refuse.  They're looking to revamp their stock photos now that they have fancy new buses, bus shelters, and that ride-store wrap down at the airport.  The kicker?  They want me to bring my transit loving buddies and we get to be the star subjects of said photo shoot!  I've drafted the Accidental Commuter and That's MARTA! but MARTA said something about diversity and three hot white girls in the 20 to 30 something range probably doesn't qualify. So we're gathering our diverse yet MARTA knowledgeable friends to join us for a photo shoot.  I'm opening this to you, dear readers, but you should own a Breeze and ride MARTA more often than when I have a pub crawl.  ;)  MARTA wants people who know how to use the system.  So if you're interested, and particularly if you're not a young, hot, white girl, leave a comment and we'll talk about making you a MARTA star.
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