Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So the other night the other night the Accidental Commuter and I were talking, as usual, when she said, much to my horror, "Did you know there's another MARTA blog out there?"

"A what?!?!"

Aw heck no!  I have cornered the market on MARTA blogs, this can not happen.  I even thought I knew of all the MARTA blogs, that group consisting of this blog right here and JV over at That's MARTA!  There's also some dumb one that we won't mention, in part because it's dumb, and in part because it hasn't been updated since 2005, therefore making it both dumb and dead.  And since JV and I are cool, and, you know, she had a blog way before me, we're cool.  I'll let her keep her blog.  But what's this other MARTA blog nonsense?

Apparently there's some chick named Sara writing a guide book to Atlanta using MARTA, like how to get around; she also writes on MARTA for the Examiner.com.  I have no clue who this chick is, but what she's doing is writing how to get around on MARTA, to get to things like a Braves game or the World of Coke.  You can check it out at MARTA Guide.
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